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terry-h 4:07 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
Hurry hurry all you sychophantic mugs.
Get down to the club store quick and buy replica shirts and other goodies from Sicknote Carroll and Captain Noble. You can even tell them how wonderful they are while opening your wallets.

Alex V 4:04 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
Of course there are still bargains. But as the quality of a player is subjective anyone can agree or disagree with any valuation.

13 Brentford Rd 3:54 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
......now he's in the shit and slow list?

13 Brentford Rd 3:53 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
According to the experts on WHO Ogbonna is our best CB.

Willtell 3:45 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
So was Chicarito a good bargain but they are few and far between. Had WH enquired for Gibbs you can bet the price would have been more than double that...

Professor Yaffle 3:29 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
Kieran Gibbs to WBA for 7m was good business I think. I'm Mooy saying we should song big money players as I don't think that's else, but there are value players out there for sure

Professor Yaffle 3:28 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
Kieran Gibbs to WBA for 7m was good business I think. I'm Mooy saying we should song big money players as I don't think that's else, but there are value players out there for sure

Willtell 3:16 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
My point was that there are no real bargains anywhere Prof. Every League sets their player prices to the perception that all PL clubs have huge sums to pay out.

WH certainly showed Sporting Lisbon we wouldn't be held to ransom. Serves then right that they have a €40m player and we don't...

Professor Yaffle 3:06 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
Hi Willtell - I believe I posted a name earlier - Mooy for 10.1m. Not sure what Knockert would have cost when he was in the
championship but he was hardly a secret last year was he?

franksfat&slow&wank 3:04 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
the last time bilic was given games didn't we scrape some pathetic 1 nil wins
he scrapes past Huddersfield so we then give even longer
unfortunately Bilic has been underperforming way too long and its time to go, back him or sack him fuck me he's playing the wrong players and some of which out of position
its almost like he's gagging for the sack

thecockneyboy 3:00 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
10 players out and 5 players in, I'm no genius but fuck me that leaves us desperately short, we are playing an 18 year old centre back as a defensive midfielder, yet people think it was an adequate window? Jesus we are gonna struggle, out spent by Most of the teams around us and down to bare bones already.

boleyn8420 2:44 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
The squad is paper thin and the first eleven is paper thin on quality as well. When a huffing puffing past his best by a long way Mark Noble is captain and first name on the teamsheet you know you are in trouble. Add Ayew, Fonte, Ogbonna, matsuaka, Sakho into your first eleven mix and you know the relegation door is already creaking open.

I think Bilic will be gone after the Huddersfield game to be honest and then we can watch Benitez try and get a tune out of this lot until January, thinking he will have money to spend, only he wont will he, not the 2bobs style. So we may just survive or we may go down. But we all know who to blame don't we children

Willtell 2:44 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
Professor Yaffle 2:28
What you mean like Assombalonga for £17.1m; Tom Ince £9.1m; Will Hughes £9.1m; Jacob Murphy £11.3m; Chris Wood £16.4m.

Those kind of bargains?

moorethanjustananon 2:34 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread

If anyone's interested...

moorethanjustananon 2:30 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
I note that Spurs first XI cost a grand total of about £80million

It's not the spending that bothers me, there seems to be a total lack of strategy or continuity.

We didn't need to spend huge sums of money over the past 2 years (in fact our most successful signings have come at a lower transfer fee) just need to appoint a manager that aligns to the vision of the club, who can buy players which align to that vision and is capable of coaching decent players to be good / very good players week in week out.

Unfortunately Sullivan acting as a defacto director of football, making decisions either on his own whim or the whim of the manager which changes every 2-3 years is what is sending us backwards not the amount of money we spend.

Professor Yaffle 2:28 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
I'm not sure why we don't look at the Championship and below for players. They must have shortlists and portfolios. Antonio came from there and Alli from league one so the players are there. More recently, Mooy of Huddersfield looks superb - never loses the ball. He was good last year so it's not hindsight. Knockert of Brighton as well is a superb player. Quick and tricky...the bargains are out there.

Willtell 2:07 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
Except I think that not sacking Bilic may well be more smoke & mirrors to hide the fact that they haven't got any more pots to piss in.

They know that Bilic will need paying off in a few weeks and that is a problem for them if all the credit cards are maxed out signing new players...

Spandex Sidney 12:06 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
I'm not bothered we didn't sign anyone, while the Transylvanian village idiot is in charge we could have the best 11 players in the world and we would look an utter shambles.

I wonder if there is a single fan that thinks Bilic deserves to keep his job? I think there probably is one, sadly it happens to be David Sullivan.

13 Brentford Rd 12:04 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
Agree Simon.....
Hernandez is a good signing for sure, jury still out on the rest though Anoutovic imho is this windows Ayew / Snodgrass where they have overpaid for a smaller clubs best player.
I think because they made our signings early and were praised by the media, pundits, Mourinho and our fans, they patted themselves on the back and thought job done.
There has certainly been a lot of contrary noises coming out of the club about signings since - ”one in one out" which didn't happen after two more departed, and the suggestion we / Slav was happy with squad. Then the noises from Slav that we had been after a top DM for two years but pulling out of two deals to sign one whilst blaming the selling club.
All part of the usual smoke & mirrors from them

Takashi Miike 11:49 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
wiltell, I wasn't directing that at you, it was more a response to my brief look at the kumb boards last night. I'm not sure anything can change, there's just too many people going now who accept the things the way they are and believe all the pro board/anti manager shit coming out from the various ITK parasites. for me, Bilic should be gone but to use his lack of managerial ability as an excuse to not invest but seemingly happy for him to continue in the job is a new low for me

Private Dancer 11:27 Fri Sep 1
Re: Official Summer transfer rumours and discussion thread
I thought we were trying to sign Gomes??

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